They are the softest, cutest and cutest Pokémon fabric figures! Perfect for recreating your favourite scenes from the Pokémon movies and the series with friends
These 20cm Plush Pokémon Cuddly Animals are perfect for cuddling and hanging with realistic details and soft filling. Great to take with you, no matter where you go!
In the product series 2, EVOLI, DITTO - PIKACHU, MARSHADOW, SCHIGGY, BISASAM and GLUMANDA. Get them all! Let's go! Gotta catch them all! A must for every Pokemon fan
Here comes MARSHADOW, a mysterious Pokémon with the guys battle and ghost. It exists since the 7th century. Game generation can be hidden in the shadows and therefore invisible to human eyes
It is a small, lightweight Pokémon with an almost humanoid and child-like body structure which is colored throughout dark grey to black. Catch it before it hides in the shadow!