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Soft Toys as Stress-Relievers: Fact or Fiction?

Soft Toys as Stress-Relievers: Fact or Fiction? Home About Us Contact The Rise of Plush Soft Toys In recent years, soft toys have become increasingly popular among adults. Once thought of as only a children's toy, plush stuffed animals and other soft

Author: Olivia
Apr 02, 2023
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Soft Toys as Stress-Relievers: Fact or Fiction?

The Rise of Plush Soft Toys

In recent years, soft toys have become increasingly popular among adults. Once thought of as only a children's toy, plush stuffed animals and other soft toys have become a staple item in many households. It's not uncommon to see a cute, cuddly teddy bear sitting on a couch or a stuffed giraffe perched on a bookshelf. The rise of plush soft toys can be attributed to the many health benefits they provide, including stress relief.

The Power of Softness

Studies have shown that touch and physical contact can have a positive effect on a person's mood and well-being. The softness of a plush toy can provide a soothing and calming sensation to anyone who touches it. The act of hugging or holding onto a soft toy can simulate the feeling of being held, producing a sense of security and comfort.

Additionally, the act of interacting with a soft toy can provide a distraction from stressful situations. Focusing on the softness and comfort of the toy can take one's mind off of worries and anxieties, allowing for a moment of relaxation and calmness.

Scientific Studies

There have been scientific studies done on the effects of soft toys as stress-relievers. In one study conducted by researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia, participants who interacted with soft toys during a stressful task reported feeling less anxious and stressed than those who did not have a soft toy to interact with.

Another study conducted by researchers at the University of Southampton in the UK found that participants who hugged a soft toy during a stressful task had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who did not hug a soft toy.

These studies suggest that there is a real, tangible benefit to using soft toys as stress-relievers, and that their effectiveness should not be dismissed as mere fiction.


The idea of using soft toys as stress-relievers may seem silly or childish to some, but the evidence suggests that there are real benefits to doing so. Whether you choose to hug a teddy bear or simply touch a plush toy's soft fur, the act of interacting with a soft toy can provide comfort and relief during stressful times.

So next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, don't be afraid to reach for a soft toy. You might be surprised at how much it can help.

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